
July 17, 2009

While Momma is Away...

Sorry for the blurry pics (they were taken with Marcus' "business tool" aka his crappy Blackberry. While I am in Arlington for my annual convention, Marcus has been sending me pictures each day to keep me in touch with Abby's day. Seriously, I need to know what she wore, did and how she felt on Wednesday morning :)
This might just be the funniest pic of her to date... what do you think this face means?On Wednesday she gave me her "huh" face when my Dallas Cowboys fan club welcome packet came in the mail. I joined for work to save us money on the centerpieces for our party tomorrow night at the new stadium. I can't wait to frame my Jerry Jones welcome letter- NOT!
Thursday Abby, Daddy and our friend Bill and his daughter Mackenzie went swimming. It is hard work for our baby girl to stay up past 6:30, especially when swimming action is involved. I can just smell her in this picture.Finally, today's pic featured the carpet of our pediatrician's waiting room! Apparently Abby Lu has a bad ear infection which has led to a rash. I didn't know those went together. I don't think she noticed the ear infection at all, so we had no idea. So much to learn! I'll see my baby girl tomorrow and can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I didn't know an ear infection could lead to a bad rash either! Hope Abby Lu feels better soon...poor bebe!
