
August 12, 2009

Abby's 7 month Photos

I could stare at these all day long! We had Abby's photos done by a photographer friend Rachel late last month and she sent us the images this morning. She is still playing with edits, but I love love them already! I can't imagine what more can be done to them!
We took them on a Sunday afternoon on the square in Georgetown. It was super hot out, but you can see that Rachel captured some classic Abby faces- the old man face, the crooked tongue, a big smile for Daddy and a studious smile. We are meeting Rachel again on Saturday to try and capture a good in the grass picture with a big smile!
Can you tell how much this girl loves her Daddy!She also loved the cold marble inside the courthouse!
We stopped and took a water break and someone made a little mess on her shirt!

I just love this little dress! I bought it for the wedding we attended in June, but had to get one more wear out of it. I saw it on a child on another blog, contacted the blogger for the brand, googled it and found it on sale at a small boutique in Arkansas. It was well worth my search!

What is your favorite?


  1. I love them all! But the first is my favorite!! SO CUTE!!

  2. the first one and the one with Marcus are my faves, so cute!! Are you going to distribute any? I want one (sometime)

  3. Anna, they turned out so great! I just asked Rachel when it would be my turn to take pictures again ;)

  4. I LOVE the precious Misha Lulu baby girl has one too!!!
