
August 30, 2009

Bathtime Upgrade

Sunday morning we bathed Abby in her new bath setup- her ring! Plus, we moved her to her own bathroom that until now has served as just the guest bath. The ring was a hand-me-down from Johnna and was just perfect. It suctions to the bottom of the tub and keeps Abby from falling over.

Before now, she was in the newborn tub and was beginning to squirm around in it too much. We knew she needed freedom, but wasn't sure what would come next. The ring is perfect. She can't fall over in the water and bump her head or worse, and has more freedom to splash and kick!
With this new set, nobody has to get in the bath with her, so we stay dry! Instead, we get to sit on her Boon Potty Bench. This was recommended from our friends Matt and Tabriah. It will be her potty later on, but for now it saves our knees during bathtime. She also gets used to it long before she uses it and see us sitting on it.
It was also so much easier being on her side of the house for drying and changing her afterward. Plus, Marcus has more under-the-counter space now that we aren't storing her bath supplies in our bathroom.

With the new set-up in her bathroom, we were also able to introduce more of her bathtoys that were housed in her frog. She had fun looking at all of her new things.

To think in just 8 months, we have gone from sponge bath to newborn cradle to newborn recline to sitting up in newborn bath and now the ring. It is so much fun to watch her grow!


  1. YEAH! That thing is great! Oh how I wish Anna would've lasted in it longer. We are now trying to keep her from sporting a neck brace with all the slipping and sliding she is doing. We love sweet Abby Lu and are so blessed to have the perfect girl to pass down to!

  2. I love the bath ring! However, we are blessed to have a four year old who gets in with Trinity and holds her while we bathe her! everyone could use a little four year old helper!!

  3. how fun!! I am so glad she loves her bath!
