
August 29, 2009

Happy 8 Months Sweet Abby

These monthly candle pictures are getting harder and harder- if she is looking at the camera, the candle is nowhere to be found, if she has the candle it is in her mouth and she isn't looking at me! What was I thinking?
Happy 8 Months Old Sweet Abby!
  • We continue to be amazed at what a wonderful child you are!
  • You go to bed without any complaints. We turn on your lullabies, read you one book while you are lying in bed, and give you a pacifier with a little toothpaste. You focus on getting all of the toothpaste off the pacifier and fall asleep in the process.
  • You are sleeping from 7:15 PM - 5:30ish AM. We have trained you to stay in bed and play with a couple of soft toys and board books for about 30 minutes. During the week, Daddy usually picks you up and brings you to us for 20 minutes before he gets ready for work. You are so happy during this time. Sometimes we give you a small bottle during this time and you snuggle with us while drinking it. If not, you are sitting up and checking out the lights of the monitor and alarm clocks.
  • You nap twice a day- a short nap in the morning and often a longer nap in the afternoon. Both naps typically total about 2 hours.
  • We just moved you to 3 meals per day- fruit in the morning, veggies and rice at lunchtime and meat, veggies and fruit in the evening.
  • You still take four 6 oz. bottles per day. You are quick to down the bottles and often hold them one handed. Show off!
  • You don't want to be held in the traditional way. You like to turn your body and push out to see. If you don't, we march you straight to bed because we know you must be exhausted! If you had your choice, you would fly in Daddy's arms everywhere.
  • You have recently noticed the cat and the camera. You want both of them in your hands.
  • You love the blowdryer! Sitting in the bumbo on the bathroom counter and watching it, listening to it, and feeling the cool air on your face make you squal with delight.
  • Praise Baby DVDs are still the greatest invention ever! If nothing else makes you happy, we know it always will.
  • You play well in the exersaucer and playpen in the living room. Depending on your mood, you will play in the Jenny Jump Up or your bed.
  • You wear size 3 diapers and 6 month clothes. You still wear a size 1 shoe.
  • You are able to wear small bows attached to a few hairs on top of your head which is good since you have found the headbands and like to make them necklaces!
  • You scoot backward and love to practice lying and sitting and lying again. You are not crawling or showing much interest. You just scoot backward using your arms to get where you want to go.

Big changes are coming your way this month! Our baby sign language DVD is on the FedEx truck and baby yogurt is on the grocery list!


  1. I love sign language! We started teaching Emmie sign language about that age...she picked it very quickly and it is so great for her to be able to communicate! Now if only I knew more words! It is a learning process for the both of us! Maybe we will have to invest in a dvd too!

  2. I hope Abby learns sign language faster than Billa! If she doesn't, don't sweat it...just try again later, like we did. It really is great to have them learn it, saves everyone some heartache! As for baby yogurt...try Stonyfield Farms. When she gets older, you can buy the large containers of plain or vanilla yogurt to save some cash (plus you get some too...just saying!). Such a beautiful girl. Hard to believe she's so big now!
