
August 16, 2009

Puffs and Another New Food

I love oilcloth! It is perfect for this stage of eating. After eating I can wipe it completely clean with a baby wipe and it is ready to go for the next time. I couldn't handle how dirty all of the cloth bibs were getting. Cloth bibs are much better for her liquid diet. I tried puffs again tonight and it is amazing how much more control she has! She was able to scoop them up and use her fingers to hold them. She was unable to connect the dots and put the puffs into her mouth. I put a puff in her mouth and she sucked on it until it dissolved. Last time we put them in her mouth she just left her tongue out and fake coughed.
Tonight we also introduced a new food and she liked it fine. She doesn't seem to get too excited with any food, but she does get excited now when we don't feed her at the speed which she would like :) So, what new food did we introduce?
Look very closely and give me your best guess!

I'll post the answer on Monday night!

1 comment:

  1. IB saying Plums...
    Where did you get the cute bibs?..Let me guess ETSY..
