
August 22, 2009

Where did my video go?

Looking at this picture can you guess where Abby started?
Her school was closed yesterday, so I worked from home in the morning while Marcus had a conference call and then Marcus took off and he watched her the remainder of the day. While I was working I put on her video and set her up on her blanket with toys. I sat in the formal dining room and started working. I look up and saw this. She was upset that she couldn't see her video!
She isn't crawling yet, but when she gets on her belly she pushes her upper body up and because she doesn't use her legs she ends up using her arms to push herself backward.
We also discovered yesterday that she can go from lying down to sitting up on her own. Marcus put her down in her crib for her nap and when he went to check on her, he found her sitting up and smiling at him.
It is nice to see all those vegetables she is eating are making her strong!

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh, exciting times! Wait until she can do the worm. [sigh] I miss those days sometimes!
