
September 27, 2009

Abby's New Ride

It is hard to believe my little bitty baby girl is ready for her next car seat! This one should last us until she is 4 years old.

Thanks to my friend Meg and a blogger Mary Kate with babies Abby's age, I went with the Maxi Cosi Priori for my car. I had been debating 2 seats and Mary Kate's review and the safety links she posted pushed me in one direction.

Technically Abby can stay in her current seat until she is a little heavier, but she is no longer comfortable. She looks folded up, sits in that constant lounge position and can't see out. She has a convertible car seat in Marcus' car and just chills. She is so much more spread out and relaxed.

Her new seat will allow Abby to rear face until she is 35 lbs. Rear facing is much safer and this one allows for that longer than most. It has great safety ratings and some cool features like those little black ovals on the sides, those hold the straps when you are taking her in and out. No more digging around Abby's hiney to find the buckle. She'll be thrilled! It also reclines in 4 different positions which she will enjoy on longer car trips or when she is sleeping in the car.

It comes in lots of cool colors. We really liked the blue, but opted for the pumpkin. I'm hoping it looks a little less USC in person. Plus, we scored 10% off and free shipping on our purchase! For now, the Chicco system is going back in the box and in the attic. Who knows, we might need it again in a few years. ;)


  1. yeah...i hope you like your as much as we like ours!!!

  2. Its a cute seat! My only issue with that seat is babies tend to grow out of it, height wise, rear facing WAY before 35 lbs because they must have at least 1 inch of shell above their head to continue using it RF. You may have to turn her front facing way before its safe because of that. . .
    That happened to me with DS #1- only I had an Evenflo Titan Elite for him which I assumed would last him till he was 3-4 because it has a RFing weight limit of 35lbs too. I had no idea I would be buying him ANOTHER seat less than a year later to keep him RFing!
    He is now 31 months, 27 lbs and still RFing in a Sunshine Kids Radian 65 (which I LOVE!). It has a really high back so he should be able to continue RF until its RF weight limits- 40lbs! YAY!

    No offense meant, just thought maybe you didn't realize that she will probably grow out of it height wise before she is even close to the RFing weight limit. Or maybe you don't plan on extended RFing at all. . .
