
September 22, 2009

Abby's Poor Tum-Tum

UPDATE: School called at 2:30 and Abby lost her lunch. Poor thing- she can't keep any food down. We just keep her hydrated and let this run it's course.
We almost made it to Abby's 9 month check up without a doctors appointment! After being sick on Friday and then just a little "low" over the weekend, Abby threw up twice Monday morning at school. We took her to the pediatrician on Monday afternoon and she has a little virus that she likely got from school last week and then was reinfected over the weekend. Since so much goes into her mouth, there is no doubt her germs reappeared sometime on Sunday.
After the appointment, we set her up with all of her warm and soft blankets, pillows, and animals to watch Praise Baby videos for as long as she wanted. She was on clear liquids until dinner last night and kept down 2 bottles and a little food. She was rejecting everything, but ate more mandarin oranges than 1 person her size should. We went and bought more in case she is still disinterested in dinner tonight. She is still at school and they said she has kept down her bottles and oatmeal from this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Anna, that stinks!! I hope she starts feeling better soon. Nothing worse than a stomach bug. Hang in there!

