
September 16, 2009

I Like to Move It Move It

Here are a few still images of our CRAWLING baby girl! If you sit her on the floor now and put a toy (or a cat) out of her reach, she'll go for it.
I would clap for her as she was crawling and she'd stop and clap for herself!

Then, she'd get right back at it.

So, at 8 months and 2 weeks, Abby Lu is a crawler!


  1. Whooohoo! Way to go Abby! And look at that hair! I think it is getting longer than Emmie's!

  2. Yeah Abby!! hopefully everything is baby proof now that abby is mobile!!

  3. and your world will never be the same again. Great new blog look.

  4. Such a sweet little princess! She is adorable!
