
September 03, 2009

Meet Madelyn Renee

I held a baby girl at lunch today! This is Madelyn Renee who was born late last night. I work with her Mom. She was a happy quiet little baby for the few minutes I held her. Amazing they come that small and have all of their parts!

Funny story for anyone that knows about labor, her Mom was a 4 and 100% for over a week and was at work. She didn't have contractions at that level and wasn't in pain. I got an epidural at a 4 because I was in full blown labor. Isn't that CRAZY!

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny! My water broke, and I was only 1 cm! I had my epidural at like 1 1/2!!

    Madelyn's a cutie, by the way!
