
September 14, 2009

San Antonio Botanical Gardens

While in San Antonio this weekend, we went to the Botanical Gardens and were pleasantly surprised. I have a private party there next summer and wanted to see the space. Kyleigh, Marcus, Abby and I had a lot of fun walking around and seeing all of the neat plants.
Look at this one- spike-like thorns on large smooth leaves. On display at the gardens is BIG BUGS. There are very large metal sculptures of common bugs- preying mantis, ant, grasshopper, ladybug, etc. There were 9 in total. Marcus posed as a preying mantis for us. Silly Marcus!
They also had an area of house facades with traditional landscaping, like an American Lawn, a Mexican Courtyard, an English Cottage, etc. It was cute!

Along with the many tropical and exotic plants, they had tons of my personal favorite, the foxtail fern. Abby liked it too! I would tickle her arms with the tail and she'd stare in amazement.

After walking the gardens, we ate a lovely lunch in their bistro and visited the gift shop. Marcus was showing Abby the stuffed animals and found it funny that she giggled at the giant stuffed spider. Silly girl, doesn't she know spiders are scary!

I hghly recommend the Botanical Gardens next time you visit San Antonio. They are only 4 miles north of the Riverwalk and miles away from the feel of the busy city. Plus, they are open on Sunday mornings which is always a nice time slot to fill when visiting for the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun place! I'll put it on my list of places to take Kierstena and Kaylinn! I am glad she had a good birthday!
