
September 04, 2009

Survey Says...

This was fun- I can't wait to read everyone's answers...

1. Do you cook every night? We really only eat out at lunch since having Abby. One of us cooks each night, I'd say it is Marcus about 75% of the time. I'm usually feeding Abby at the same time.

2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use & why? I normally pick up what is on sale and smells good at the time. I like changing it up- it seems like you can always smell it better when the bottle is new to you.

3. Do you do laundry every day or loads at a time? We typically wash our laundry every Sunday and Abby's about once a week.

4. How often do you eat out per week? We eat out lunch on Saturday and Sunday typically. Once every week or two, we'll bring something home. Somedays just call for not cooking.

5. Where do you usually eat out? Local BBQ places, Chick-fil-a, Sonic drinks, Texican Cafe

6. What are your favorite retail stores? Target, Hobby Lobby, Macy's, Old Nacy

7. What's your favorite thing to drink? Iced Tea for me and Diet Coke or coffee for Marcus

8. Do you take vitamins? What kind? No, they make me sick.

9. What percentage of the household chores to you do? Reyna, our wonderful maid, does them all. We do straighten every night, but she does the bulk of the cleaning every couple of weeks.

10. Do your children do chores? {Or will they, did they, etc} Definitely. Abby will do age appropriate chores.

11. Do you go to church? Our lives would be so empty without it.

12. Do you have a housework schedule? Dishes each night, laundry every weekend, everything else as needed.

13. Do you keep a working budget? On a color-coded Excel spreadsheet.

14. What do you do at night as a family? With an 8 month old, we really just tend to her basic needs at night along with a little play time. After she is in bed, Marcus and I watch our favorite TV shows, try to beat each other on Farkle, blog, read books, etc. We are working on reading the Bible more together.

15. How do you prepare yourself for a new week? Odd question- uh, talk through any activities that week. Look at the calendar, etc.

16. What do your mornings look like? I think we've got this down. Marcus' alarm goes off at 6:20 and he snoozes until 6:30. He gets up and into the shower. When he is done in the shower, about 6:40, I get up and get Abby. We mix up her food that has been thawing overnight and then I get her dressed. Marcus leaves with her at 6:50. I then get ready and leave by 7:30. I stop at Sonic or Starbucks for iced tea and am at work by 8:00. If Abby wakes up earlier, we spend the time until 6:30, watching her video, giving her a little bottle or listening to her playing in her bed.

17. What time do you get up in the mornings? See #16.

18. What time do you go to bed at night? Our lights are normally out by 10:15 at the latest, sometimes as early as 9:30.

19. How do you manage all of the paperwork that floods into your household? I typically get the mail 1x per week and go through it the same day. Bills are put in my purse to enter in the spreadsheet and Marcus' specific mail if placed in his office.

20. How do you keep your household organized? We both use Outlook calendars at work, so we use them for personal also. I'll add an appointment to Marcus' calendar that is for me, i.e. Anna hair appointment at 5 PM so he knows I am out and he has Abby and dinner, etc. I did send him a reminder on Outlook about my Goddess Girl Weekend and it flashed up on his computer which happened to be projected on the large screen in a business presentation. So, it has it's drawbacks.

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