
October 22, 2009

Family Photo

We took advantage of having weekend company and had my Mom take our photo this morning before church. I love taking family photos when a baby is included! We hadn't taken a photo all together since June when our baby girl was bald!
Between these 2 photos, Marcus and I have both lost weight! Marcus has lost 8 pounds and I have lost 13. I am happy to have lost the baby weight, but know I need to lose the "double income no kids" weight that led to lots of eating out!


  1. You all look just beautiful, except Marc, he looks handsome!
    Love you.

  2. I love that you posted both pictures to show the difference. Abby looks so cool in her pink with animal print.

  3. Way to go on the weight loss! I am so proud of you! And you guys look fantastic :o) I love the look on Abby's face, too funny. Keep up the good work, you can do it!

  4. yeah, way to go Marcus and Anna!! We will need some encouragement come jan. I'm going to make Bryan lose a few with me!!

  5. Congrats to both of you on the weight loss! That is great!
