
October 24, 2009

Halloween Party

Marcus and Abby attended a Halloween party on Saturday night. Her shirt says "so cute its scary". Marcus has spent the past 3 days with Abby while I am out of town. My Mom was planning to join them and assist, but she hasn't been feeling well and since we didn't know if it was allergies or the flu, she didn't come. Big points to Marcus for feeding, changing, bathing, entertaining, shopping and photographing as a single Dad this weekend. He is amazing for taking care of her and of me by sending me multiple pictures per day.
I haven't spoken to Abby since my voice on speaker phone has confused her previously. I am just dying to see her smile, hear her babble, and get a big wet kiss!
I am in Houston at a hotel attached to the Galleria Mall. It is dangerous- we end each night about 6:30 and end up shopping for 2 hours before eating dinner. I found a cute store- Crazy 8. Anyone ever heard of them? I think they are part of the Gymboree family. They had great sales! I bought Abby this cute sweater dress, the giraffe dress, next years coat, and a fun Christmas onesie. I also bought the best Daddy a flash t-shirt to match Abby's shirt and found the green lantern shirt Marcus has wanted to find. It'll be fun for Halloween since it glows in the dark!


  1. Yes, I have heard of Crazy 8 and I think you're right. They are part of Gymboree. The items look cute! I love the coat. Sorry you have to be away from her. I hope your trip goes well and you get your sweet baby kiss soon!

  2. Have fun at the mall! I stayed at the Westin connected to the galleria for a conference this summer! I spent so much money it was ridiculous. Thankfully I managed to leave the Coach store empty handed!!!

  3. Nice work Marcus! Her hair looks brushed and everything!

