
October 07, 2009

An Only Child

One of the benefits we saw of twins is that they would always have a playmate. Since Abby is flying solo right now, we are trying to teach her to play with her toys without us right there.

On Sunday afternoon while doing a fun new project in her bathroom, I sat her down with her basket of toys to play. She could see me in the bathroom and hear me talking to her, but was able to play alone.

She did get bored after 10 or so minutes and come crawling to me. It was a great first attempt. She is going through the phase right now where if we leave the room she is certain we will never return! ha! It seems to help if we talk to her the entire time we are in the other room to keep her calm, so playing solo is a huge step!Notice Abby is at the carpet/tile line, she doesn't like crawling on the tile. She much prefers carpet and stopped at this line, fussed, and asked "nicely" to be picked up!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute. Michael would pick up his knees if he was on the tile and he looked like a little bear, much like Abby!
