
October 03, 2009

Round Top Adventure

Abby and I got up early this morning to meet my friend Alison and go junk shopping in Round Top. We got there a little after 9 and fed Abby breakfast before loading up for our day of fun.
Our day of fun was limited to 2 hours of fun due to lots of rain. It was the perfect day- we had front row parking, we had both found things we had discussed in the car ride as key purchases, sunglasses were not needed and a light jacket was perfect, Abby was happy riding or being held, and the conversation was flowing. Then the rain came. Then we rain refused to leave!
We stopped at the closest covered booth expecting it to pass. But, it wouldn't! We pretended to shop while devloping a game plan and then realized we were in a metal roofed booth surrounded by metal art. These garden fairies did the rain dance!
So, after 2 hours Alison walked in the rain with my little umbrella back to the car and picked Abby and I up. We had a great lunch indoors and spent an hour at Barton Creek Mall before going home.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like so much fun! I've never done the Round Top trip. Gotta do that some day!

