
October 23, 2009

Sweet Smiles and Wet Kisses

Abby has been so happy lately- she will just watch us talk and smile. I think it means she love us, too! We've also found multiple tickle spots- her neck is super ticklish. It is funny to watch her squirm to avoid us tickling her neck!
Abby has also learned how to give kisses. I have to make the kissing sound for her and be close to her face. She'll stare at my lips and then open her mouth and fall into my face with the biggest grin. It makes me laugh! She was recently kissed by our friend Blythe and Abby responded by licking Blythe's face. Nice!


  1. Can't wait to get my kiss. Maybe she'll be past the licking stage by then.

  2. precious!! i see her new are you liking it???
