
November 16, 2009

Driving the Cart

We recently discovered Abby prefers to face forward in the shopping cart. It makes sense since she likes to face forward when being held in our arms. We were at the grocery store Saturday morning before 8:00 AM and got first dibs on the race car carts. She did great in it until the very end. In her excitement, she lean forward and then went back quickly and hit her head on the red plastic part behind her and it was all over!


  1. I always love when a new exciting adventure goes south immediately following a mishap.

    It's just a reminder to us that being a parent is adventurous enough.



  2. The girls always want to ride in the "race carts", but an added 60 pounds to the cart minus the ability to turn them makes them not a fave of mom.

  3. I'm sure I'm probably the worst mom ever to let her do this, but I just let Billa stand up in the basket and we pretend it's a race car. I can't drive those race car carts to save my life! I just walk really slow and we make 'vroom vroom' noises up and down the aisles. And avoid the Goldfish. Because once Billa sees's ALL over. Abby Lu, may you never have the same addiction to those orange cheesy crackers of goodness!
