
November 29, 2009

Happy 11 Months Abigayle

I have loved every minute of the last 11 months and loved writing these posts; however, it struck me this morning that this is likely my last one. In 1 month my baby girl will be one year old! Not long ago I began planning her party and Marcus made fun of me since it was so far away. Here we are past Thanksgiving and coming onto Christmas and I feel like her party is next weekend. Pretty soon, it will be!She is smart and funny. She is a great eater and a wonderful sleeper. She likes people and isn't afraid of anything. She reads books to herself, is ticklish all over and loves straws more than most. She loves her teachers and friends at school but her face lights up when we pick her up at the end of the day. She loves Momma and Daddy equally, but in different ways- Daddy for play and Momma for comfort.

She says Momma and Daddy regularaly and said "hedgie" for her hedgehog (below) for the first time today. He is her favorite toy, followed closely by her spinning wheel and barn. She can shake her head "no" and can sign "more" and wave bye-bye.

She wears 6-12 month clothes and 3-6 month shoes or size 2. She eats fruit and yogurt/oatmeal or waffles for breakfast and fruit, veggies and meat for lunch and dinner. She loves feeding herself more than us feeding her. The transition is hard as I had the puree meals down pat. She loves cheese, craisins, cheerios, chicken, rice, peas and mandarin oranges still rank #1. She crawls and pulls up, but no crusing or walking yet!