
November 01, 2009

Our Little Worm

Our little worm did a great job treating the neighborhood to her happy self! We got Abby dressed in her outfit about 5:00 and took a couple of pictures before loading up in her stroller and visiting a few of our neighbors. She loves a late afternoon stroller ride and was happy to hold a noisy candy wrapper until we reached the next house. I did wear my Tinkerbell t-shirt and Marcus wore his new glow in the dark Green Lantern t-shirt. We wanted to be festive too!It did feel really silly to T or T with a little baby who couldn't eat anything. So, we used the opportunity to meet more of our neighbors and chat. We did collect candy, but since we are both dieting tried not to get too much!

Check out the back of this cool costume- it was perfect for keeping Abby adjusted to the temperature which fell rapidly as the sun went down!

Our neighborhood seems to love Halloween. I wonder if that was in HOA paperwork we should have read? They decorate like most people do for Christmas. There were lots of cars in the 'hood, so I can only assume people join up in our area to T or T or people from other areas come to our area.
Our across the street neighborhood had a big front yard party with tables and chairs. They grilled hot dogs and had homemade cheesecake to share! Another neighbor decorated her complete garage for the kids to enjoy. She played Michael Jackson's Thriller!
Here are some pictorial examples- our nearby neighbors dressed up their pets for the kids. This is Molly and she is a Bichon. I have never wanted a dog until I met Molly. She got dressed up while we were there and had a witch hat complete with green hair. She liked licking Abby's feet and Abby giggled at her!

This house put bloody footprints in their driveway leading to the front door!

Can you tell how HUGE this spider is? Abby liked the grass as much as the spider! Notice the noisy candy wrappers she is holding in the pictures!
Finally, this is Haunted Donna. Our neighbor said she scares the kids and often has to give out candy away from Donna. Donna has a motion sensor and will begin to squirm and talk when you walk by. Since Abby doesn't seem to be afraid of anything, we let her activate Donna. She liked her! She wanted to get real close and study her- no scared faces or tears!

We were done T or Ting by 6:15 and ordered pizza for us and fed Abby on the driveway in her stroller while passing out candy and listening to the UT game on the garage radio.
Marcus juggled for the kids and adults that walked by. A few people remembered him from last year and if he wasn't juggling when they came up, they asked about it! Abby got to see him juggle for the first time and she smiled and clapped for him. I put Abby to bed about 7:30 and she didn't make a sound. We gave away our candy by 8:15 and came inside for the night.