
November 04, 2009

Surprise Package

Look what UPS delivered tonight?
I didn't order anything, but Marcus did!

When I started losing weight in August, I set a couple of goal numbers to motivate me along the way. I am within 2 pounds of hitting a major goal. With this goal came a present. I picked out something I really wanted and since I am close, Marcus ordered it and now it sits on the fireplace. The moment the scale tells me what I need to see, I get to open my box! I am hoping to wear the contents at Thanksgiving!

Wanna know what is in the box? You'll have to wait and see! I promise to blog it as soon as it happens!


  1. oooh can't wait!

    Love the new banner. Did you design it yourself? And the background? Very cute!

    I'm itching for a new design, but the work that goes into it scares me right now. I can't load anything else on my plate...

  2. You can do it! I know you can! And what a great idea for motivation...who says money can't buy happiness [wink] Can't wait to see them!

  3. OK, I've been trying to be good and adopt a wait-and-see attitude about this post, but I'm obsessed! Anna, what is this????? I just have to know. When will we be opening this little gem?

