
November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day 2009

We hosted family and friends for Thanksgiving this year and had a potluck lunch. Everything tasted wonderful! I did a great job balancing full and miserable. It is an art I am working to perfect!
Before everyone came over, we woke Abby up from her 2 hour morning nap to take a couple of pictures. This girl is FUNNY! She was making great faces for us in her sweet pumpkin pie dress! She loved sitting in the wagon and just being outdoors.But, you put her in Daddy's arms and she is anything but calm. She kicks and flys and shakes her head yes and no at the same time. It helps lead to a long afternoon nap :)
I am thankful for many many things this year and I am most especially thankful for this one right here. She brings so much joy to our home. I wake up with a smile and go to bed laughing at some silly thing she did each day. What a blessing!
I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful Thanksgiving with family, friends, food and football!


  1. Glad you had a happy Thanksgiving; that dress is ADORABLE! FYI, the font color is really hard to read, but I love the Christmas layout you chose!

  2. What great pictures! Hope ya'll had a great day!

  3. What a great day Thanksgiving is!

    Hope you guys are having fun decorating for Christmas. I'm expecting a post about it!



  4. I love the pumpkin pie outfit!! Very different! Great picture of you two!!
