
December 07, 2009

East Texas Trip: Day One #2

One of the wonderful things about where we stayed was the indoor waterpark! As the song says, "oh the weather outside was frightful, but the waterpark inside was delightful"! It was in the 40s and rainy outside and a warm 85 degrees inside. There were less than 10 people at the entire park making it easy for us to focus on Abby and try out her water comfort levels. She floated the lazy river in a life jacket with us, watched Daddy come down the big slide, and sat in the run off area of the kiddie section and splashed.


  1. sounds like fun! She has such a beautiful smile... I love looking at all the pics... A beautiful family!

  2. Wow what a neat place! Looks like so much fun. Thanks for sharing...I think I see this as a great family vacation spot in the near future!
