
December 06, 2009

East Texas Trip: Pine Trees

W took advantage of the cool weather and the beautiful tall pine trees to take some pictures. I wish I had planned ahead and brought Abby a rich brown dress or some cute winter boots! These pictures were taken on the resort's main drive into the property. There were pine trees as far as the eye could see. Many had lost their needles and leaves creating a brown blanket on the ground.When we packed on Sunday night, the weather was sunny and in the mid 50s all week. It was never in the 50s! It was in the 20s in the morning and cloudy all day.
It did snow lightly during lunchtime on Friday as it did around other parts of Texas. It didn't stick or make much of a mess as we traveled around town.

With the purchase of a pink fuzzy hat and a curly scarf, we were ready for the cold weather pictures.

This area must be just gorgeous in October when the leaves just start to turn. It reminded me of pictures I have seen of the northeast or my trip to Michigan two years ago.