
December 27, 2009

First Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at home with Abby and Marcus' and my Mom here. On Christmas Eve, Mom and I baked and prepped the food for the coming day's meals. Abby assisted us with sprinkles on the cookies for Santa. :) Marcus' Mom arrived in time for dinner. After putting Abby to bed to dream of sugarplums, we ate beef tenderloin, roasted potatoes and peppermint pound cake. Afterward, we exchanged gifts. On Christmas morning she woke us up before 7 AM and saw her new kitchen by the tree. It has been great entertainment for us thus far. She also opened lots of toys from Nana and Grammy including this stuffed Yoda that she loved months ago in the store. She remembered him!
Abby had pancakes for the first time on Christmas morning while we ate monkey bread. She ate 6 small pancakes, about 2 regular sized cakes! I was certain her tummy would hurt, but she didn't seem to mind. We can now order out with her for breakfast!
After breakfast, we opened our stockings and played Wii and chicken foot (dominoes) most of the day. We ate a smorgasbord of appetizers for lunch and had a traditional dinner with a honey baked ham. I waited in line for over 1 hour on Wednesday for our ham. It was worth the wait- yummy! It came fully cooked, boneless and sliced. I highly recommend it.
It was a Merry Christmas for us all!

1 comment:

  1. It is so cool that is she almost a year old and able to appreciate C-mas. Super cute pics.
