
December 20, 2009

Little Dardevil

Marcus and I are not wild and crazy people, but I think our child is fearless. We'll need to find someone to ride the roller coasters with her at Disneyworld. My heavens! We took her to the neighborhood playground Saturday afternoon to get out of the house and enjoy the sunshine. We thought she might like the kid's slide in our laps. Um yea, she preferred to go by herself head first. Marcus sat at the top and would set her up and then I'd have my hands at her body as she went down. She laughed, smiled and kicked with glee. We did this slide a good 15 times before trying the big kid slide. Yep, she liked it too!
I have a feeling we'll spend more Saturday afternoons here in the Spring. Plus, it is a great pre-nap workout for her!

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