
December 11, 2009

Office Christmas Party

Last night we had my office's Christmas party. There are only 10 of us on staff, so we had a simple party with spouses and children at our COO's house. A couple of staff bought these crazy hats for our staff photo. You can tell not everyone is thrilled to be silly!
As part of the party festivities, my office bought little gifts for each of the kids. Our Santa did a wonderful job buying gifts that everyone loved. Abby got a stuffed winter bear and a snowman sippy cup. (she did have on a cute Christmas dress, but we changed her into her jammies at the end to make her bedtime go smoother.) She was also given a Santa hit that I couldn't even begin to put on her head! When we were in East Texas, I bought her a winter hat and she wore a 3T-4T. Everyone tells me her head doesn't look huge which I so appreciate.

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