
February 03, 2010

Laundry To Do!

Where is Abby? I don't see her?
Oh there she is, in the laundry basket! Marcus put her toys inside her "West Texas playpen" and she played well until she wanted out and topped it over!
Then he gave her rides around the living room.


  1. I love that babies think you can't see them if they can't see you!!

  2. william loves to do this with little anna banana

  3. So adorable! I love "Where is baby!?!"
    Oh, the laudry basket is so much fun!! Can I recommend putting a belt around the handle so you can pull her around without breaking your back??? Works like a charm!
    And, unless you're crazy like me don't ever pick them up in it, it becomes an airplane and that is a back breaker for sure! Maybe not at 13 months but by the time they're closer to two it becomes very hard.
