
January 06, 2010

Miss Gabrielle

Today at lunch, Marcus and I met our friend Jessica downtown at the NICU to meet her beautiful miracle Gabrielle Hope. Ellie was born at 28 weeks. Her older sister Emma was born at 21 weeks and lives in Heaven. Marcus and I are good friends with Jessica and her husband Mo and are so very blessed to know them and pray with them for a day like today. You may look at this baby girl and think how small or how sad that she isn't home or see the feeding tube in her nose. Her parents see the miracle, her eyelashes beginning to form, her contentment from being well fed, her spunky spirir, her father's hairline, her long fingers and legs.
They've felt the worst that life can bring and now see the beauty in life that many of us will never see. Look closely, isn't she beautiful?

I give so many thanks to the Lord for answering our prayers and sharing His child with Mo and Jessica. I also give thanks to the amazing medical team at the NICU in Austin and around the world. They do such an amazing job and give Moms like Jessica comfort.


  1. Amazing. I am so happy. I think she looks wonderful, just as God planned. May the Lord bless her and keep her safe.

  2. Oh, that little girl's daddy is in big trouble when she's older--she's going to be gorgeous, I just know it! Praise be for the miracle and that their little is doing well. Thanks for sharing her pictures!

  3. As we pray for our little booger tonight, we will be saying a little extra pray this family!!
