
February 12, 2010


Abby's teachers at school and Marcus and I have really loved teaching Abby sign language. Marcus' sister is a huge proponent of ASL and bought Abby a book and recommend a great video to us. She is learning words left and right now- I honestly can't keep up! At school yesterday, they showed a prospective parents Abby's skills to demonstrate the use of sign.

Here is a video of many of her words. She learned "please" yesterday. We are working on banana and book right now.

In the order she learned them, she can currently sign:

  • All Done
  • More
  • Eat
  • Drink
  • Touchdown
  • Ball
  • No
  • Yes
  • Milk
  • Thank You
  • Please


  1. Love the "touchdown". She looked intense! And, was looking at daddy for approval! ;)

  2. I'm impressed! Sybilla didn't really take to ASL very well, I'm betting cause we didn't really know the best way tot each it. What's the name of the book and the video? I might still check them out!

  3. Too cute!!! We love teaching sign language too. It helps so much with communication...I have to say that we are on our 4th child though and for some reason have dropped the ball a bit with him in that area. Have you seen the Signing Time videos? They are really wonderful!

  4. I love it! That little girl is adorable.

  5. Very cute. I love it when they start verbally talking and doing the sign at the same time.
