
February 28, 2010

Senstivie Skin! Help!

Look at this- we thought Abby was getting a rash from food and were trying to decide if the peanut butter or recently, grapes, were effecting her.
Then, we did a little experiment. This rash is only on her face and comes from us wiping her face afterward! This was from a warm papertowel on her face. She also gets it using the sensitve skin Huggie wipes and from Boogie wipes which are meant for faces. Anyone have any suggestions? What else can I use? Girl can not be snotty and crusty all the live long day!


  1. Hey Anna! Bella had the same thing. Very sensitive skin and eczema on her cheeks. I used wipes 'mostly' and stopped using them. My ped. said to use a wet paper towell or washcloth. (I just bought a handful of those soft baby washcloths and kept a stash in the kitchen!)I hope this helps!

  2. Girl, I completely understand! Lila has the same problem. Use a warm washcloth to clean her face always, and I slather her cheeks with Cortaid about every other diaper change. It has really made a big difference.



  3. My daughter has the same problem. We had to experiment a little to see what worked best with her skin. Here is what has worked for us. I have to wipe her face carefully after meals or often just throw her in the bathtub. We use Aveeno excema baby lotion each day and also put Aquafor on her cheeks. The Aquafor has made all the difference and now her cheeks are just as soft as can be. Good luck!

  4. Adom also had sensitive skin. I would use a washcloth after meals and carry a damp one in a ziploc in my diaper bag or purse. We also (still) use Avenno baby lotion for extra sensitive skin. If she ever (which I pray she doesn't) gets really bad diaper rashes or any other body rashes give her a bath in the Aveeno oatmeal baths. I still give them to Adom when he has any kind of skin irritation and it works miracles! Hope this helps :)

  5. Well, we have it too. I don't use a washcloth or towel...I use my clean hand and running water from the sink...and Aquafor before nap and bedtime to help fight chafing when we have a cold. And for Kaylinn, she can only sleep on one kind of sheet or her cheeks and nose are totally red. And, for her I can only use the Aquafor shampoo and body wash.
    Good Luck!

  6. Bless Abby's little heart and all her little friends too! We didn't have this problem fortunately, but we know plenty of kids who have and most of their mamas were using the same things that others suggested. Your pedi might have some tips too. I hope she outgrows it soon!
