
March 20, 2010

Family Date Night

We don't eat out much at night with Abby, but decided to go out for Chinese food last night and cross our fingers Abby could handle it! We arrived at Mama Fu's at 6 PM and they were out of highchairs. Nothing like those words to put two parents in scramble mood! So, we held Abby in the booth until another table noticed and had their daughter move into a booster seat. She was probably 3 and did fine.
While waiting on a high chair and our food we played Abby's current favorite game. You hide her ball with a bowl or cup and she'll bend her arms, put her palms up and shake her head side to side. We got into the habit of doing that while asking her where her ball was and it stuck. So very cute! Abby enjoyed her first Chinese food dinner. She ate some honey glazed chicken, fried rice, edamame, snap peas, and carrots. It took her a few minutes to warm up to it, but then she did great!

This was her very first fortune. Fitting for an adventurous little girl.

After dinner, we still had a happy baby so we went for frozen yogurt. I love all the build-your-own yogurt shops around town. Abby shared my vanilla and Marcus' chocolate and cheesecake mix. She loves yogurt but will immediately spit it out with there are toppings inside. Strange!