
April 12, 2010

2010 Capitol 10K

Abby and I joined our friends Heather, Katie and Connor downtown this morning to cheer on Marcus and Jay at the Capitol 10K. It was a misty cool morning and Abby loved the people, dogs (new word for her!), and outdoor air. She sat looking through the fence and clapping, blowing kisses, and cheering for the runners.
Katie and Connor loved seeing the crazy costumes the runner wore- Heather and I saw a tall man in the crowd running in a wig. We pointed him out and then realized he had on a small Speedo with his wig. I don't think they noticed- thank goodness!

This was my favorite- Wendy and the Burger King! Our favorite runner crossed the line in under 58 minutes! He took Abby from me and did the last 500 yards with her. She wasn't real happy about it. I think we scared her lifting her over the fence, plus Daddy was a little wet :)

Jay crossed the finish line just a little after Marcus. He had his cell phone with him and was giving us updates. So funny!
After the race, Marcus shared his banana with Abby in the concourse. Girlfriend loves her 'nanas!

Obviously, the 10K was exhausting for her. Abby slept the whole ride back to the car and woke up for lunch a happy camper!

Marcus hopes Abby is interested in running and they do the race together in 10 years!


  1. Yes, so much fun! Thanks for doing this together, Anna! :-)

  2. Looks like she had a good time...and Marcus looks like he got his sweat on! Yuck. I don't blame her for not being happy about cuddling up to him. :)
