
April 08, 2010

Bluebonnet Pictures 2010

It takes a lot of out takes to get the right bluebonnet picture! I assume it will get easier!This one is just perfect! Sitting in the wagon was much better than sitting in the flowers. Abby did not like the wet grass touching her legs! I really wish I had not trimmed her bangs! We took these off 1431 near Lago Vista. The drive from Cedar Park to Marble Falls has numerous spots to stop and take bluebonnet pictures. For those outside of the area, it is a central Texas tradition. We have bluebonnets everywhere this time of year and good spots can be found by the number of cars parked on the shoulder with kids sitting in flowers while parents avoid traffic and take the perfect picture!

The location was actually part of a church and had this big open field and a parking lot! They also had these crosses on the property. Understated yet says so much.

1 comment:

  1. Does it get easier?? No, I haven't found that it does. Kiersten won't even look at me anymore when I pull out the camera...she is tired of it. :) We tried bluebonnet pictures with Joel last weekend...Oh my, he'll probably never want to work with us again!
