
April 29, 2010

My Favorite Things about my 16 month old!

Seriously, I had no idea this little screaming head would be so much fun! At 16 months old, I wanted to capture a few of my favorite things about my precious daughter: I love your undying unwavering all consuming love of cheese.
I love your affection for falling into my arms when I am trying my hardest to get you to walk.
I love that you laugh the longest and loudest during bath time with your Daddy.
I love that after bath time when I wrap you in your towel you lean out of my arms to get a good glimpse of yourself in the mirror.
I love that you wake up in the morning calling our name, no crying or whining and that you immediately hit the ground ready to play.
I love that you say Momma with affection and Daddy with a soft flirty whisper.
I love that you see a frog on your signing video and you always laugh!
I love that you have special routines with each parent and they are totally different.
I love your stink eye face.
I love your big round baby belly.
I love your nice hands (rubs my arm after hitting me!).
I love your nose.
I love love love that God made you mine!


  1. i love this post. i could go on and on about the things i love about my 4 month old too!

  2. I cannot believe she is 16 months old! She's beautiful, and I love to get to watch her as she grows!


