
May 17, 2010

Jungle Java Playdate

When I am away on the weekends Marcus is always so nervous that Abby will be bored and get fussy, so he tries to come up with fun things to do with her. This weekend, he met up with our little friend Madeline at Jungle Java, a jumpy playhouse in Round Rock for them to explore. Madeline's Mom, Caroline, took these photos and I am so impressed Marcus isn't hovering over Abby in everyone of them. I am the more laid back, let her explore and fall down parent while Marcus hovers to catch her before she can fall. It is so opposite our personalities in every other way!
I love her squished up nose!

I'm certain she had great fun!

So much fun, she looks guilty of doing something wrong!

Thanks Madeline and Caroline for playing!

1 comment:

  1. Michael and I have the same dynamic when it comes to parenting Billa...there's just something that changes in daddies when they have girls I think! It's so sweet and Marcus is such a great dad for Abby! Those pictures were too cute. Thanks for sharing!
