
June 23, 2010

New Pastor

We have attended Great Hills Baptist Church in north Austin for almost 7 years. We tried church earlier in our marriage, but it never stuck until GHBC. This Sunday was only the 2nd pastor we've heard lead GHBC and the 3rd in the history of our church. His first sermon was fabulous! There was an excitement to the congregation like we haven't seen in quite a while. It has been 13 months since our pastor left and Pastor Forshee was worth the wait!
He was so fired up and funny! Here are a couple of quotes I really liked:

Don't be a frozen chosen- Do something for the Lord.

It is better to be a wet sinner than a dry boat dweller- get out of your comfort zone and have courage rather than sit back and not step out for the Lord.

Don't be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good- focus on the Lord, but relate to people. Don't be so biblical that you are cold or unapproachable.

It is about the Master, not the pastor.

If he is those quoteable next Sunday, I may have to start a regular "Sunday" post :)

If you are in my area and interested in Great Hills, here is the website. I'd love to welcome you!

1 comment:

  1. He sounds like quite a guy! I love that one quote about not being so biblically minded...that is one of my biggest pet peeves with a lot of Christians. Some of them get so stuck on what the Book tells them that they can't relate to other people which completely defeats the entire message of Jesus: love everyone no matter what. If love can't flourish, then we as a race are done for, IMO. I look forward to a Sunday post if you do one!
