
June 20, 2010

Two Special Men

I have the pleasure of celebrating 2 special men in my life today- let's start with my fabulous husband and my baby daddy :)

If you've read one post on this blog, you know how much Abby loves her Daddy. It can be a little embarrassing at times- she prefers him to anyone and in most settings. Who can blame her?Her Daddy makes funny faces, speaks in crazy voices, holds the cat down for her, lets her spin in his office chair, keeps a full CD of Yo Gabba Gabba songs in his car for her, gets drenched in water table fun with a smile, reads countless books on the important role a father has in a girl's life, makes bath time crazy crayon time, shares breakfast with her every morning, races to get her from child care at church every Sunday, and loves her in a way only a father could love his daughter.

I am so very blessed to watch this relationship as it unfolds and know what a rare blessing I have in a husband and Abby has in a father. I praise God daily for the wonderful husband I have and for those without. I know how blessed I am. Happy Father's Day Marcus!
I know how important a Daddy can be, because I grew up with a wonderful one!
My Dad is retired and him and my step-mom live about an hour away from us. In the winter they are home or at a deer lease about 2 hours away where my Dad is the cook for private groups visiting the lease. They travel in the summers to work at national parks. He is spending this summer in Creede, Colorado. So, I won't see him this year.

My Dad and I spent a lot of time together when I was growing up- he was very involved in 4-H with me and we drove around the state together attending almost every sporting event my high school was participating in. I never played sports, but love watching them and we did it together. He would even embarrass me on occasion with his criticism of the officials!

My Dad is disciplined, has a green thumb, is generous, is a man of integrity, has become a fabulous cook, an avid golfer, a real handyman, and a wonderful father.

Happy Father's Day Marcus and Dad! You mean the world to me.

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