
July 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Mackenzie

These are our friends Mackenzie, Micah and Emma. They were among the handful of kids celebrating Mackenzie's 4th birthday at Inflatable Wonderland Saturday morning.
There were tons of bounce houses. Abby was a little timid inside them- it makes sense that when learning to walk and run you want the floor to be still :) We did like hitting the "Mel-Mo" doll at the entrance of the toddler bounce house.
She also loved the foamy play area. It is much like one of the rooms she plays in at church. Good soft toys for early walkers.
Why do I sense I'll see this face many times in my future? You expect me to do what?
A party wouldn't be complete without cake! We cut off the icing and let Abby eat a piece of chocolate cake. She ate most of it (and luckily ate her lunch shortly thereafter!).
Happy Birthday Mackenzie and thanks for letting us come and play!

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