
July 04, 2010

Independence Day- church, naps and tummyaches

My Mom is spending the weekend with us so we took some patriotic pictures this morning before church.... it is a good thing because we didn't have another opportunity during the day. Our plans went askew! We went to church this morning to volunteer with 12-18 month olds. Marcus didn't feel well on the way to church, but thought he'd had too much coffee on an empty stomach. He didn't feel any better afterward, so we got lunch to go and came home. He went straight to bed.

Mom, Abby and I ate lunch and then Abby took a 3.5 hour nap! Mom and I did a couple of sewing projects and Marcus stayed in bed. When Abby got up, we had a snack and then took her to the park for an hour. Marcus stayed in bed.

After dinner, bath and bed, Mom and I ate enchiladas that I luckily had premade last night and put in the freezer and the dessert we had planned to take to party #1. We missed the BBQ party and the private fireworks party we attend annually. The Macy's Fireworks display was nice though and Mom and I finished our big project. Very exciting!

Marcus has slept/laid in bed all day. We are all hoping he miraculously is better tomorrow. Keeping a Daddy's girl away from her Daddy all day is really hard!

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