
July 03, 2010

Summertime Fun

We had a little party on Saturday morning with our friends The Gumpls and cousins The Richards. We know The Gumpls from church and they know The Richards from Natalie and Kristi teaching together. Kristi and I are cousins. Natalie and I are friends. Make sense? We had 6 kids playing outside. It was wonderful- Abby was so excited to see people. I swear, we must bore her! We had all the water park going, balls flying, Frisbees tossing and water hoses splashing. It was so nice- the sun would pop out and then go back behind the clouds. No rain on our party!
Bella and Landry at the water table

Abby was so excited to go outside with her friends that we never put her suit on her! She played in her little outfit and then just hung out in her diaper. She was exhausted and took a little break on Daddy's lap with her towel and some sweet tea :)

Bella and Kristi

After playtime, we all had lunch together. We ate grilled hot dogs, chips, watermelon, grapes, and brownies. Add a little homemade lemonade to it and we've covered all the bases for 4th of July!

The girls and I were playing with the kids in the bedroom and then when we came back into the living room, we saw this.... the boys had pulled our Super Mario Bros for the Wii and were playing.

Thanks Gumpls and Richards for a fun morning! We both commented how well our kids all played together and how nice they were to all clean up afterward. We were back to normal before you left the city limits! Come back anytime!

1 comment:

  1. We had a blast! I knew you'd beat me to the postings!!!!! :) Ya'll are so much fun to be around!!!!
