
August 11, 2010

Dinner with The Trejos

Last night we had a yummy dinner with our friend Mo, Jessica, and baby Ellie. It is so much fun to hang out with them and watch sweet Ellie develop. Holding her as a preemie in the hospital is something I will never ever forget.
Abby was excited about dinner, too. But, it wasn't about seeing Ellie... she was thrilled to see Ellie's puppy, Kujo. He was a great dog and let Abby rub him, touch his noses and find her ears.
He seems to like people his own size more :)

Ellie is now 8 months old and is eating baby food! I seriously can't get over how cute she is and how big she has gotten. She is 13 pounds now!
Those amazing eyelashes.... when we saw her in the hospital they were starting to grow. They haven't stopped growing. She is just so very beautiful (and tan!).

God has been so good to both of our families and we enjoyed a hectic crazy dinner with our miracle baby girls!

1 comment:

  1. wonderful pictures! I am so thankful for your miracle babies too, to love on and play with all the time!!!! found out that David's teacher is a TECH grad!!!! We are super excited to meet her!!!!
