
August 23, 2010

Saturday Dinner Dates

Saturday afternoon after Abby's long nap (3.5 hours and I had to wake her!), we went to see our cousins Landry and Bella. After a few minutes to get her bearings, Abby was running around with them like the best of friends. Oh the squealing! They played Bella Dancerella. Both L&B are so sweet to Abby and want to include her in everything they do. You'd expect kids their age to treat her like a baby and want her out of their stuff- such good girls!
We all went to dinner at Chick-fil-a afterward. Abby sat at the kids' table for the first time and did great. We forget she eats with kids at school everyday. She ate well, didn't fuss and laughed at Landry's "num-num-num"! Then, they played on the playground while we all chatted.
A group picture would have been so cute, but Abby wasn't playing along.
Thanks for sharing your toys L&B- we'll have you over to play next!


  1. we had a great time. The girls are still talking about it.

  2. what a sweet group picture. Can you imagine a boy in the pic next time!
