
August 19, 2010

Zing Zang Zoom- Abby's First Circus

We were very blessed to receive free tickets in a private suite for the opening night of the circus! Walking up to the arena, Abby was excited by all the people and movement, but had no idea what fun was in store for her!
The suite we were in with about 20 people had comfortable seating, great circus decor for everyone to enjoy and a wonderful food buffet complete with special treats for the kids like chicken fingers, cheese quesadillas, milk cartons and cotton candy! Once the circus began, she watched closely. She spent a good deal of time either in my lap or standing in her chair.

While the horses (keyword here) were doing their performance, Abby kept loudly yelling "Moo". We'll obviously keep working on our animal sounds! ha!

Her favorite part of the circus was the music. This girl can dance! She stood in her chair or on Marcus' leg and dropped a funky fresh beat! It made us all laugh!

She loved playing with her hat, but would try to remove it when the camera came out. Isn't it cute!

The last act before intermission- two people were shot from these giant cannons across the arena and onto these blown up mats.

The sound of the cannons scared sweet Abby right out of her seat! Aww!

We left at intermission since it was 9 PM and we feared a post-bedtime meltdown coming on.
What a super fun night at the circus! I hope I don't sign 20 bite reports for a cranky sleepy girl today.

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