
September 05, 2010

Abby's New Swingset

We have been researching playscapes for about a month now and recently made a purchase and scheduled our wonderful helpers! Saturday my Dad and Jacque came over and assisted Marcus in making a safe playscape out of these boxes of boards.
It looked like it was going to be a slow process and Abby was dying to be outside with her arms wrapped around her Daddy, so we left!
We went to Target to get a few last minute items for our vacation. I am sure I have grossly overestimated the amount of snacks one 20-month old child needs! We also picked up lunch for the group at Chick-fil-A and when we were given the to go bag, Abby immediately asked for a french fry. Nice!
Progress! After lunch, Abby went down for her nap and the worker bees alternated between working and watching a little college football.
After her nap, Abby had her snack on the back porch watching the swing set really come alive. I kept her entertained sorting the sockets.
Ta-Da! So exciting to have our own slide and swing. We bought this set at Lowe's. It is a whole mix and match system where we can remove the slide and add a rock wall or place a sandbox or picnic table under the chalet (their word, not mine!). The swings and also interchangeable. We opted to buy the infant swing.
We are so grateful Abby has such loving people to sweat all day putting together her swing set. She said "thank you" and "love you" a couple of times.
Before it was totally together we gave it a try. Can you tell she loved the slide? Wee!
After dinner we played outside for a few more slides. I doubt a day will go by that we don't go "o-side and play."

1 comment:

  1. It was great to be with ya'll and Abby as we worked, played, laughed and sweated !!
