
September 28, 2010

Silicon Labs Marathon Relay

We spent Saturday night and most of Sunday with Marcus' Avnet (work) family. They were in town for the Silicon Labs Marathon Relay. In this picture, there are people from Dallas, Houston, Arizona, and Southern California. This year they had shirts made for their team and the Avnet supporters.
I was totally there as a supporter. And, let me tell you, when the alarm went off at 4:30 AM, my support wavered :)
The set-up crew at 6 AM at Auditorium Shores.
L to R: Curtis (Marcus' boss), Marcus, Kyle (from corporate office) and Kris (Curtis' boss)

These are the official team members who raced.... Kyle (12K), Debbie (5K), Marcus (5K), Jordan (10K) and Kris (10K). Overall, they finished in 3 hours and 55 minutes which was under their 4 hour goal. They averaged about a 9 minute mile.
This is the whole group of runners and cheerleaders! The race had just ended and Marcus was the 5th leg which explains why he is magenta :)
We also were able to cheer on our church friends who had a team. They finished in just over 4 hours! Natalie did much better than she thought and Heather posted a personal best!

Go GHBC Eagles!

After the race, we went back to South Congress for lunch at Guero's. Kyle and Marcus celebrated with a beer in a tiny cup. Run Big and Drink Small :)

After lunch, we drove home for time on the couch with the football games on! Luckily, my Mom had driven Abby back to our house and she was napping nicely when we arrived. We woke her from her nap at 4:30 excited and ready to play!

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