
October 19, 2010

Driving around the Hood

It has been so nice outside lately that we've gone on a few car rides around the neighborhood.
Since Abby now likes to ride in her car, we took it outdoors. No more car rides up and down the hall. She laughed out loud going down the driveway so excited to be in her car! We need to talk to her about the "10 and 2" position or at least having 1 hand on the steering wheel. Geesz!
This is a hill near our house and Marcus would let her go fast down hill and just run behind or beside her. I could hear her laughing 5 houses back. She thought it was so funny to be hands free!
Every morning when Marcus and Abby leave for school, they look at the moon. We were able to faintly see it on our morning walk and repeatedly proclaimed, "Moooon!"
We also saw dogs which made Abby laugh in excitement. She loves dogs.
We also got to see some of the Halloween decorations around the neighborhood. Our neighbors do more at Halloween than Christmas! Here are a few of the houses.

We'll be taking lots of walks this fall while the weather is perfect and Abby is happy to be outside!


  1. We have that car in pink/purple. Both girls loved it!!! I love it too!
    Perfect weather for daily walks. We've been doing the same thing, except Kaylinn rides in the car and Kiersten in her if I could only get her to pedal and steer herself, my life might be easy!! :)

    Love the decorations!

  2. Billa does the "moon!" thing every morning too! She points at the sky as if she's seeing it for the first time, practically screaming, "Mooon! Mommy, a moon!" I love that delight and wonder when they're this age. Isn't is so wonderful?
