
October 09, 2010

Friday Night Treats

We picked Abby up from school Friday night and went out to dinner. The three of us haven't eaten dinner out in ages! We grab lunch or bring food home, but haven't sat down at a restaurant in quite a while. Abby was most excited about french fries and the elementary aged boy at a nearby table.
After dinner, we walked to the nearby Half Price Books and then to Yo Yo's for frozen yogurt! We love that place and Abby loves feeding herself yogurt.
Abby had vanilla with Captain Crunch and marshmallows. It was her first time to try marshmallows and she ate them all! A new snack to pack in her bag!
I had Cake Batter with brownies, cookie dough, chocolate chips and Reese's Pieces.
Marcus had cheesecake with cookie dough, cheesecake bites, caramel cups and fudge sauce.
There were 2 tables of teenage girls that all commented on how cute Abby was or some component of her outfit- her bow, capri pants, orange sandals. It just makes me laugh- I don't remember ever talking to babies as a teen.

I'm happy we have a low key weekend planned!

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