
October 14, 2010

New Cell Phone

I am leaving my Blackberry and getting a new phone this week- the Samsung Epic 4G. I'm excited to have a new phone with more functions than my blackberry, but dread learning a new phone. Somehow I always find some feature about a piece of technology that I think I must have and then I just dread learning to make it all work.
I am pumped my new phone has video conferencing. Marcus will be getting a new phone in December and he will have video also. That means that when I travel, I can still talk to and see Abby. This really comes at the perfect time since she is starting to talk on the phone more.Just in case Sprint killed all of the pictures on my phone, I emailed myself the good ones and this is one of my very favorites that Abby and I took a long time ago. Her little bald head smiling at me. Somehow, even though this is only about a year ago, I look so much younger! I will assume it is the bangs and lack of makeup and not that this cute bald head has aged me :)

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