
October 11, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We drove to Marble Falls to the pumpkin patch on Sunday afternoon. Last year when we went, it was 55 degrees and we practically had the place to ourselves. This time, it was packed beyond belief. They even had parking attendants directing cars. It was madness and between a running toddler and a big crowd, it was tough to get good pictures!

This was an on the fly picture and is the only good family picture we got! We did ask a stranger to take one and the wind was blowing which gave me some funny hair!
Abby could barely sit on this tractor last year. It was hot and she was dying for water. Working the fields is hard work.

I love these cutouts- they have spring and fall versions on the farm.
Abby loved running all over the place. Marcus chased after her while I pulled the wagon.
We fed leaves to the goats. I was so proud of her- she knew what they were immediately and started making her "eee" sound.
We tried to corral her by taking pictures with Daddy. They played the drums on the really big pumpkins. These were called Mac Daddys and were only $30. That is a lot for a pumpkin, but I expected them to cost more.
On the haystacks with Daddy...

I love this old truck filled with pumpkins.

She thought the little pumpkins were balls and wanted to roll them, throw them, bounce them, or have Daddy juggle them.
I loved these "ugly" unique pumpkins with all their colors and bumps.

Abby had the most fun playing peek-a-boo with Marcus under these arches.

He caught her!
Happy Fall to All!


  1. beautiful pictures! it's crazy how much she has changed! Yet she still has that cute "baby face"!

  2. that dress is the cutest thing EVER! i want one in my size!
